Starting weight: 113 lbs, Current weight: 105.6
So this week the scale moved but my body fat stayed the same...frustrating! I feel good some days and other days I just feel like crap. I wish that my mind would quit messing with my competition prep already! I didn't even want to work out on Sunday. Mike actually forced me to go to the gym, telling me that I'd feel better once I was there. He was right, again. I felt great once I started the workout and ended up lifting heavier than I have in a while. I don't think I'm over-trained or anything, I think my head is just messed up right now. Mike kindly pointed out to me today that I do this before every competition- about 2 weeks prior. I start psyching myself out and saying stuff like: I'm not ready, not conditioned enough, not lean enough, etc. Some days I wish I could just snap out of it and get some freaking self-confidence!
I know that many people go through this stage in dieting. Some people are in it longer than others. I guess that I would call it the competition jitters. It's a combination of excitement about getting on stage again and nervousness about what the judges will think about my physique changes over the past year. I know that my body changes every year and hopefully this year it's for the better. I have put on more size, but I'm also leaner than last year, which should be a good thing. I really want to stand out from the other competitors but once I step on that stage it's all up to the judges. And Lord knows they have their own opinions and visions of what they want. All I can hope for is that I have what they envisioned...
With the past couple of weeks being pretty tough on me mentally, I'm in serious need of an attitude adjustment. So this next week, my goals are the following:
*to stay positive and not get down on myself
*to keep myself on track with my workouts and diet
*to get plenty of sleep and rest my body (because it will really help with the grumpiness)
*to not put so much pressure myself to place high and just enjoy the sport that IS figure competition!
*condition, condition, condition!
Two weeks until contest......let the countdown begin.
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