This has been an interesting competition prep season for me. Last season I lost so much weight during my prep (about 25 lbs) that I got really used to seeing the scale move every week. It was an expectation because of how much I needed to lose. But this season, since I didn't gain as much weight off season, I haven't really seen see the scale move at all! It's a real mind trip to look in the mirror & see new veins and muscles popping out but then I step on the scale and....nothing. Thankfully, the scale at our gym does measure the weight of your body fat, water, and muscle, so I can see some sort of progress (losing tiny bits of fat or water). But for those of you who don't have that nifty machine I definitely feel for ya. It really can be frustrating to work so hard and not see that dreaded number go down.
I've talked about how pictures can do a world of good in tracking your progress but taking the time to pose & look at yourself in the mirror is another good way to see progression. I haven't even had the time to take my own pictures these last 2 weeks, but you bet I have time to pose in the mirror! It was during one of those moments that I flexed my bicep & saw a bundle of new veins in my shoulder that I didn't have last year! Seeing my new “little friends” made me really excited (I even had to show my husband) and motivated me to push through this week’s workouts and diet with a vengeance! It may seem trivial to anyone else, but to a dieting competitor it’s like an instant high. Knowing that your hard work is paying off works wonders for your mental state and your motivation.
I know that I must be getting as lean, or am leaner, than I was at contest last year. I tried on a pair of jeans that I never was able to wear because they were too tight and they fit! I noticed that I’m also more vascular throughout the day, not just during my workouts. Now, since my weight’s not really changing, but my body is, I can only hope that I’m preserving muscle and only losing fat (which has been my intention all along). Now, if I can just get that last bit off of my thighs and butt I’ll be stage ready!
you've inspired me to start taking pictures. argh! :) and thanks for inspiring me all the times you have no idea that you do ;)