
I created this blog when I began competing and use it to share my experiences as a physique competitor, personal trainer/business owner, and wife. I'm an IFBB Pro Women's Physique Competitor who is determined to re-introduce feminine muscularity to the sport. Follow me on my journey to compete in the first women's physique Olympia. I'll be writing every step of the way!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Trish's 2011 comp prep, week 11- I need a tan!

Beginning weight: 113 lbs, Current weight: 106 lbs

Every time I take a photo for these blogs I say something to the effect of “Man, I need a tan!” I think its amazing how different muscles (and fat for that matter) look when you have some color. My husband always says that "tanned fat looks better than pale fat!" I remember the good ole days where I’d lay out at the pool for hours on end to get that gorgeous golden brown color. I just lay there, read my fitness magazines, and cook myself, but those days are no longer. Ironically enough, I stopped going tanning when I started to compete in bodybuilding 4 years ago. I always look forward to the super dark stage color because that’s when I really can see all the cuts and know that the hard work has paid off. It’s always fun to plan a trip to Wal-Mart or somewhere public right after I get my color put on, the night before a contest. The looks I get from people are priceless! I’m sure one day I’ll end up on “The people of Wal-Mart” website...

This is the best stage of the competition dieting I think. It’s the time when I really start to see what “the finished product” is going to look like. I actually think I’ll end up heavier this year than last which is okay considering that I’m leaner now than I was at my competitions last year. In fact, my hubby and I think that I could be in better shape now than I was in 2009…but it’s too hard for me to tell without the color on.

It has actually been a rather uneventful week for me. I’m sleeping a lot better, now that my husband’s not snoring, and I don’t feel like a raving lunatic anymore. In fact, now I’m feeling pretty good. I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and now it’s time to start my posing conditioning. It’s crazy because I’ll arrange for all my clients/competitors to get plenty of posing conditioning and I help them with their individual poses, but when it comes to my own conditioning I tend to procrastinate. Thankfully, the NPC doesn’t tend to leave us up on stage very long (not nearly as long as the natural divisions), but I still have to make sure to hit those poses flawlessly! So posing practice starts for me this week- no excuses.

This is also about the time I start making all of my arrangements and checking that I have all of my necessary competition supplies- at least the stuff I may have to order online.

Here’s the checklist that I’ve started:

Suit alterations- I have a local gal I use just in case…
Affiliation card- for NPC, IFPA (NANBF), etc.- depending on the organization. It’s better than doing it the morning of the show and being stressed about it.
Hotel- for the show if it’s out of town
Heels- clean them up make sure they’re in good shape
Tanning- arrange for the night before the show (this year I’m doing my own)
Waxing- the week of the show
Hair appointment- the week of the show
Dream tan- the morning of the show (it fixes smudges & gives my tan some shimmer on stage)
Bikini Bite- no wedgies on this chick!

Just talking about this stuff gets me so excited…I have the competition bug for sure!

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