
I created this blog when I began competing and use it to share my experiences as a physique competitor, personal trainer/business owner, and wife. I'm an IFBB Pro Women's Physique Competitor who is determined to re-introduce feminine muscularity to the sport. Follow me on my journey to compete in the first women's physique Olympia. I'll be writing every step of the way!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trish's 2011 competition prep #2

In training for competitions, one of the most important lessons I've learned is that patience really is a virtue. Whether dieting for a show or just to lose weight in general, the process can be seem like it takes forever! When we first start the diet or plan, we're excited and can't wait for the changes to occur & be visibly noticeable. Even at my level of fitness, I still am impatient & ready to see some changes- NOW!!!

Unfortunately that is not reality. The first week of my diet I lost all that water weight- about 4 lbs. That got me really motivated and excited to push myself in the gym, stay strict on my diet, and drink all my water. And this week, the scale only moved .2 lbs (yes you read that right)...yikes! I'm determined to go into the show in my best shape ever and I did worry (only for a moment) that at this rate I won't make it!

But today, I had to put myself in check. I reminded myself that losing fat, not muscle, is the most important thing- not how quickly I can make it happen. Chances are, the faster you're losing the weight, the more muscle you're losing in the process. That is not my goal at all. I want to maintain as much of my muscle as possible, so that when I take the stage (or even wear a tank top or swimsuit at the pool) that I don't look like I've been starving for 4 months! I don't want to be the sucked up chick on stage who looks like she's ready to pass out any second. I want my body to look hard & well conditioned & look like I was made for the sport!

Being patient can be really tough when you've got a goal that you're striving to reach. Whether you want to compete or to just look better, watching the scale slowly change can be torture! That's why I make sure to weigh myself only once per week. Water and food levels can make your weight fluctuate so much that daily weigh-ins can sabbotage your confidence and make you feel like you're spinning your wheels! Weighing once each week or two is a more accurate measurement of what you're body is doing and also holds you accountable for what you are eating and how hard you're working in the gym.

Want a better way to tell if you're body is changing? Try some clothes that used to not fit very well or take pictures every month like I do. Those are the best ways to see the changes that are occuring with your body. The scale is not the only way to measure your success and this week's weigh in definitely proves that!

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