
I created this blog when I began competing and use it to share my experiences as a physique competitor, personal trainer/business owner, and wife. I'm an IFBB Pro Women's Physique Competitor who is determined to re-introduce feminine muscularity to the sport. Follow me on my journey to compete in the first women's physique Olympia. I'll be writing every step of the way!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Trish's 2011 comp prep, week 13- Dear body, I'm listening...

Starting weight: 113 lbs, Current weight: 106.7 lbs

My weigh-in was awful. I’m convinced that the body fat machine is wrong….it has to be! I haven’t strayed from my competition diet at all, my workouts are as intense as ever, and my cardio is on point. So, I know that it’s got to be either that freaking machine is wrong or my body is asking for something different. I’m hoping what it needs is more food…

It’s funny because I woke up feeling yucky. I don’t know if you’ve ever just kind of woken up and felt different? When you train like I do, you become very in-tune with what your body’s doing and how it’s functioning. I can feel if I’m holding water, I can see if I’m looking a little stringy, and sometimes I will wake up feeling like I’m going to have a “bad body day”. I always make sure to weigh myself at the same time and day every week. It’s always before I eat or drink anything- I want it as close to the true numbers as possible. I know, I know, the number on the scale game is a bunch a crap, but it’s a necessary evil in this sport. It keeps me on track and focused knowing that I have to get on that scale every week- I think it’s become more mental than anything. The problem is that the weigh-ins can sometime make for a really bad day, but this week I was able to pretty much just brush it off. After I took my progress picture, I actually felt a lot better (I also take a picture every week on my weigh-in day).

But these past two weeks have been challenging for me. I’ve been fighting this cold which has now turned into an allergy thing. I have to do “open mouth” cardio because I can’t breathe through my nose and that makes for some tough sessions. I’m in the home stretch for my leaning out phase and the weeks seem to be picking up speed. The closer the contest gets, the faster time flies by! These next four weeks my focus needs to shift over to conditioning and posing. I’ve got to hard up my muscles and get those poses imbedded in my brain so they’re second nature. Like my client, Linda, said this morning, “There’s always room for improvement. Whether it’s physical or mental, there’s always something we need to work on.”

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